Monday, April 26, 2010

Rain, rain... leave or stay?

What do you do on a rainy day? My rainy day routine has changed since I was a kid. When I was a child, unlike other children I knew, I enjoyed a rainy day once in a while. Instead of dreading the rain, embrace it! Try to think of creative, fun things to do inside your home. I'll give you a few examples...
First, think OBSTACLE COURSE! Regardless of how big or small your home is, you can set up an obstacle course to play with your friends, or even by yourself. You can set up a hula hoop station, a zig-zag crawl, balloon toss, jumping jacks station, or any other event you can think of. Race against the clock to see who can get the fastest time, or if you're racing yourself, see if you can beat your previous time!
Next on my list is TENTS. Who doesn't love making a cool tent to hang out in on a rainy day? Take the pillows or cushions from your couch or your bed, a few chairs or stools from the kitchen table, and a blanket from the den, and you've got yourself the ideal tent. Turn off the lights and use flashlights to save energy and create a spooky mood!
Lastly, PUZZLES and BOARD games are always fun on a rainy day. Everyone has their favorite board game that they like to play. Puzzles are a great activity to do by yourself, or with a group of friends. Puzzles challenge your mind and make you think.
I hope these ideas help you the next time mother nature decides to call it a rainy day. Enjoy these ideas, but always remember to keep your parents informed of what you are doing. It is important to be safe, and to always have fun!
Routine- a customary or regular course of procedure
Dread- to fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension of
Embrace- to take or receive gladly or eagerly
Obstacle course- an event, situation, course of action, or the like that presents many challenges or difficulties
Previous- coming or occurring before something else; prior
Ideal- a conception of something in its perfection
Challenge- a call to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.
Informed- prepared with information or knowledge
1. Keep your parents ________ of the fun activities you are planning.
2. Try not to _______ rainy days... instead, ________ them and make the best of it!
3. My morning _______ starts by waking up, getting out of bed, and brushing my teeth.
4. I absolutely love a challenging _________.
5. ________ to playing board games, I made my own tent.
6. It is important to _______ yourself because it's how we know what we are capable of.
7. Although a rainy day may not be _______, there are many things to do to keep you busy.
Sequencing is the following of one thing after another. The succession of events in the paragraphs above can be recognized by the words "first, next, and lastly". The sequencing of events takes place in every day life. Think about your routine when you get up in the morning. Write a paragraph sequencing your morning routine, by using all or some of the following words: first, later, next, then, finally.

1 comment:

  1. The photo is great! I like your explanation of sequencing.
