Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mother's Day
Monday, April 26, 2010
Rain, rain... leave or stay?
5. ________ to playing board games, I made my own tent.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Help Save Our Earth!

Air pollution can be seen or smelled, but sometimes it is invisible. Regardless of whether you can see it or not, it is there, and it can cause a lot of damage. Humans can suffer with asthma, dizziness, fatigue, and even more serious diseases. Animals, plans, and fish are innocent bystanders.
CROSSWORD PUZZLE: Click this link to complete the crossword puzzle created for you...
Can you think of some ways to help keep our air clean? Write a haiku, as discussed in class, about the earth and your contribution to keeping it a healthy, clean place to live.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
All Sports!
Did you know that children who play sports are known to do better in school? WOW! It's true! Playing sports is great exercise, and of course beneficial for health reasons, but there are even more reasons to give it a try. Studies show that children who play sports learn teamwork skills, and goal-setting skills. These are talents that can be used on and off the playing field.
GOOAAALLLL!!! If you have ever scored a goal or touchdown, sunk a basket or won a match, you know how good it feels to succeed at something. Without even knowing it, you are boosting your self-confidence... HOORAY! Self-confidence and pride are characteristics that you need, in order to believe in yourself, and make your goals and dreams come true.
Partake- to share along with others; to participate.
Beneficial- helpful; advantageous.
Talents- a special ability or aptitude.
Self-Confidence- confidence in one's own judgement, ability, or power.
Pride- a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance, or superiority.
Characteristics- a unique feature or quality.
Interjections are words or phrases used to show expression. Can you find the interjections in the paragraphs above? Think of 5 interjections that you most commonly use and write them on a piece of paper. Compare with your partner and see if you wrote similar ones.
You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For...
Those of you from Paris would know that the pastry is most popular in France. In Mexico, Flan is a well-known dessert item, and in China, a dessert might contain red beats or dates. Here in the United States, the top five desserts are listed below:
1. Ice Cream!
2. Chocolate Cake
3. Apple Pie
4. Jello
5. Cheesecake
Marco Polo is known as being the man to bring our number one dessert (ice cream) to Italy. He did this way back in the 17th century. The first ice cream recipe in the United States was made in 1792. The first flavor ever made was vanilla. It is still the most popular, as 29% of Americans prefer it! Can you guess what comes in second place? If you guessed chocolate, you are correct! Chocolate comes in a distant second, as only 9% of Americans prefer it.
Tastebuds- an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the toungue; what helps us to taste.
Average- a typical amount, rate, degree; the norm.
Pastry- a sweet baked food made of dough, especially the shortened paste used for pie crust.
Flan- a dessert of sweetened egg custard with a caramel topping.
Dates- brown fruit with a crusty, sugary skin.
Century- any group or collection of 100.
Distant- far off or apart from.
Prefer- to set or hold before or above other persons or things in estimation.
1. I will go to the bakery and buy a ______ and orange juice for breakfast.
2. Hmm... my _______ are craving chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk.
3. My great-grandmother is nearly an entire _______ old.
4. Do you ________ chocolate or vanilla icecream?
5. The ________ student in 3rd grade is 8 years old.
6. If you are in the mood for a sweet, caramel dessert, you should try _______.
7. I long for a heavy snowfall, in the _______ future.
8. My sister asked me if I wanted to try a great Chinese dessert called _______.
A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. Here is a list of some pronouns that you use every day: his, mine, I, we, her, they, us, ours, me. Interview your family members about their favorite dessert. Write a paragraph explaining what you found out, and only use the name of each family member once! When you are finished, circle the pronouns that you used.
Hair, Hair, Everywhere...

Did you know that the human body is covered with hair from head to toe? Well, almost head to toe... Aside from the palms of our hands, the soles of our feet, our eyelids and lips, human beings have hair everywhere. Some hair may be difficult to see, or even seem invisible to the naked eye, but it is true! Hair is actually a modified type of skin. Can you believe it? Also, hair grows more quickly in hot months than cooler winter months, and more slowly at night that during the day. Pretty fascinating, right?
Often- many times; frequently.
Genetics- a branch of biology that deals with inherited traits.
Reveal- to make known.
Noticeable- evident; observable.
Invisible- impossible to see; not visible.
Modified- to change in form or character; to make less extreme or strong.
Fascinating- possessing the power to charm or allure; captivating.
A question mark means the speaker is asking something, so it should be read in a questioning voice. Think of a question, read it outloud to yourself, and listen to what your voice does. Your voice usually goes up at the end of the question, which indicates that you are asking something. Practice this by reading the questions above. Make three of your own questions using vocabulary words learned in this lesson, and don't forget to use your questioning voice when reading them outloud!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Pen Pals Rock!
Do you keep in touch with family or friends from your home country? It is important to learn and gain knowledge about your native culture and life-style. Befriending a student from your home country is an ideal way to do this. While creating a friendship with someone, you are also practicing reading and writing skills, as well as improving your knowledge about your home country.
correspond- to communicate by exchange of letters.
hobbies- an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.
decade- a period of ten years.
gain- to get (something desired), especially as a result of one's efforts.
befriend- to make friends or become friendly with; act as a friend to; help; aid.
ideal- a standard of perfection or excellence.
improve- to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition.
SENTENCES: Fill in the blanks using the vocabulary words listed above.
I have lived in this house for over a ___________.
Snow days are ____________ for relaxing on the couch and watching movies.
I attempted to ____________ the new kid at school.
People ____________ with one another by writing letters and sending emails.
I need to ____________ my geometry skills before the big test next week.
I will _____________ knowledge by going to school every day.
Some of my ___________ include playing sports, reading, and traveling.
During class we discussed past, present, and future tense. Using at least two tenses, write a letter to a student from your native country. Use the format of a letter (also discussed in class), and include your hobbies, interests, and facts about your family and life-style here in New York. Also, be sure to ask your pen pal questions that you'd like to find out about them.