Those of you from Paris would know that the pastry is most popular in France. In Mexico, Flan is a well-known dessert item, and in China, a dessert might contain red beats or dates. Here in the United States, the top five desserts are listed below:
1. Ice Cream!
2. Chocolate Cake
3. Apple Pie
4. Jello
5. Cheesecake
Marco Polo is known as being the man to bring our number one dessert (ice cream) to Italy. He did this way back in the 17th century. The first ice cream recipe in the United States was made in 1792. The first flavor ever made was vanilla. It is still the most popular, as 29% of Americans prefer it! Can you guess what comes in second place? If you guessed chocolate, you are correct! Chocolate comes in a distant second, as only 9% of Americans prefer it.
Tastebuds- an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the toungue; what helps us to taste.
Average- a typical amount, rate, degree; the norm.
Pastry- a sweet baked food made of dough, especially the shortened paste used for pie crust.
Flan- a dessert of sweetened egg custard with a caramel topping.
Dates- brown fruit with a crusty, sugary skin.
Century- any group or collection of 100.
Distant- far off or apart from.
Prefer- to set or hold before or above other persons or things in estimation.
1. I will go to the bakery and buy a ______ and orange juice for breakfast.
2. Hmm... my _______ are craving chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk.
3. My great-grandmother is nearly an entire _______ old.
4. Do you ________ chocolate or vanilla icecream?
5. The ________ student in 3rd grade is 8 years old.
6. If you are in the mood for a sweet, caramel dessert, you should try _______.
7. I long for a heavy snowfall, in the _______ future.
8. My sister asked me if I wanted to try a great Chinese dessert called _______.
A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. Here is a list of some pronouns that you use every day: his, mine, I, we, her, they, us, ours, me. Interview your family members about their favorite dessert. Write a paragraph explaining what you found out, and only use the name of each family member once! When you are finished, circle the pronouns that you used.
A yummy entry! I definitely prefer vanilla, and chocolate is my second choice. I don't like pieces of anything in my ice cream, and the only things I like on it are bananas, chocolate syrup, or strawberries.